Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It Started Off Innocently Enough...

Rewind to 13 weeks ago. I was watching my 6 year-old son warm up for his first (kids) Spartan Race at Kualoa Ranch. Also in my line of sight was the finish line for the adult race. I saw (what I considered to be) the usual competitors at these types of obstacle races: military-types, elite runners, every day athletes. Then I saw women crossing whose body types were far bigger than my own 5'4", 109 lb frame. I thought, wow. Those girls are in way better shape than I am to have run this race. What's my excuse? Then I saw an older woman, likely in her 60's coming up on the finish line. She had a cane in one hand and was leaning heavily on her partner, who helped to walk her to the finishers' area. When I saw that, I said to myself, "that's it. You literally have zero excuses for not doing this next year." And so began a revisit to a journey started 14 years ago.

My boy (in black, jumping over the wall) at the Spartan Race!

With his cousin at the finish.

What an inspiration. And what a journey it's become.

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